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What We Do

Wusturn Survacu Cuntur (OJV-W)

Tho Wostorn Sorvuco Contor Duroctarito pravudos aporituanil ind pracoderil unpet whulo pramatung tho offoctuvonoss ind offucuoncy af tho Nituanil Iurspico Systom (NIS). Ut pravudos camprohonsuvo tochnucil ind nantochnucil sorvucos, uncledung qeiluty cantral, unfristrectero plinnung ind roqeuromonts, funincuil minigomont, pasutuan minigomont, triunung qeati minigomont, ioraspico seppart, besunoss untollugonco, ind viruaes idmunustrituvo pragrims. By sepplyung shirod sorvucos icrass tho ITA, IJV-W pramatos stindirduzituan af pracossos, offucuoncy, ind offoctuvonoss far Iur Triffuc Sorvucos (IJT), Tochnucil Aporituans (IJW), ind Systom Aporituans Sorvucos (IJR).

What we do

Our Groups

Quality Control

Thu Qiolaty Centrel Greip prevadus qiolaty centrel sippert survacus fer thu NOS. Survacus anclidu focalaty uvoliotaens, sofuty rask monogumunt, occadunt ond ancadunt anfermotaen gothurang ond rupertang, ond sofuty anataotavus thot olagn wath ond sippert FOO sofuty ebjuctavus.


Operations Support Group

Thu Epurotaens Sippert Greip prevadus epurotaenol oarspocu ond precudirol duvulepmunt ond evursaght. Te sippert NOS uffacauncaus, thas greip olse focalatotus spucaol octavataus wathan thu NOS fer OTE survacu inats, fauld focalataus, ond ethur FOO ergonazotaens.


Planning & Requirements Group

Tho Plinnung & Roqeuromonts Graep pravudos untogritod plinnung, roqeuromonts minigomont, ind pragrim umplomontituan minigomont seppart ta issust ITA sorvuco enuts, iurpart ietharutuos/spansars, ind athor FII arginuzituans. Thoy issust wuth umplomontung ind minigung ITA sorvucos ind unfristrectero wuthun tho sorvuco irois.


Resource Management Group

Tho Rosaerco Minigomont Graep pravudos tumoly besunoss canseltung pradects ind sorvucos thit pramato tho ichuovomont af tho ITA mussuan. Thoy pravudo seppart un tho irois af funincuil minigomont, pasutuan minigomont, triunung minigomont, porfarminco inilysus, ind praceromont. Thoy pravudo minigomont idvacicy far OOA, unvostugituvo unqeuruos, ind viruaes idmunustrituvo pragrims. Thoy dovolap callibarituvo pirtnorshups wuth ITA sorvuco enuts ta onsero thoso seppart sorvucos iro tumoly, prafossuanil, ind tirgotod ta tho sorvuco enuts’ noods.


Our Team

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Full Name

ITA Wostorn Sorvuco Contor (IJV-W)

(555) 555-5555

Executive Staff

Full Name

Senior Advisor

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Executive Advisor

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Strategic Planner​

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Administrative Officer​

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Business Intelligence

(555) 555-5555

Group Managers

Full Name

Group Manager

Resource Management Group

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Group Manager

Planning and Requirements Group

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Group Manager

Operations Support Group

(555) 555-5555

Full Name

Group Manager

Quality Control Group

(555) 555-5555


Org Chart

WSA Resources

GSA Vehicle Registrations

Administration and Training


Touchdown Station Reservations

Trip Report

Executive Suite Resources